A World Without Manual Data Entry: The Future of E-Commerce Is Diver


  1. The Challenge of Data Management
  2. Stop: Wasting Your Time
  3. Start: Helping Your Customers
  4. What's the Catch?
  5. Meet Diver: Complete Product Data Intelligence
  6. Your Favorite Employee: Diver's Day to Day
  7. Never Dive Alone: Integrations with Beacon
  8. All About AI: The Deep Dive
    • Machine Learning Classification
    • Natural Language Models
    • Statistical Methods
    • Autonomous Proprietary System
  9. A Domain-Agnostic Approach: Say What?

Are you spending too much time on manual data management? You aren’t alone. A recent report shows that a whopping 94% of respondents work on repetitive and tedious tasks like data entry and copying information from one place to another.

But imagine this: You never have to deal with manual data entry ever again, and you can use your time boosting your business instead.

“How’s that even possible?” you may ask. Let’s get into it...

Stop: Wasting Your Time

First things first: Your time is valuable, especially if your goal is to grow a successful e-commerce business. A recent study found that 76% of those polled spend up to three hours of their work day manually moving data—that’s way too much time. Moreover, that’s time that could be spent doing way more important things.

Every second you spend manually filling in product specifications is a second wasted. Your time would be better spent brainstorming, innovating, or enhancing (especially customer relationships). Manual data entry is a drain on your time and resources, and we don’t have time for that anymore!

Start: Helping Your Customers

So you’ve got your product descriptions and technical parameters all filled out, and you think your e-shop is ready to go—but nobody’s biting. Why? It could be that it’s simply not enough. Baymard Institute data shows that 10% of the world’s largest e-commerce sites don’t have high-quality product descriptions. What’s a shop owner to do?

Your products need to speak to your customers on their level. That means you need to enrich your product specs and translate the parameters into a language your customers understand. This way, they better understand your products and can make the best informed decision—and purchase.

What’s the Catch?

“That doesn’t sound so easy!” you might say accusingly. And you’d be right! Enhancing and translating product data would require a lot more effort—but not with Outfindo! Let’s find out how...

Meet Diver: Complete Product Data Intelligence

Outfindo’s in-house technology, Diver, delves deep into data pools, not just extracting but also simultaneously polishing product specs—directly from the manufacturers—in real time! All these parameters are standardized and translated, with key features enriched with extended information to help your customers.

This way, you can feel confident that every product description in your e-shop is accurate, richly detailed, and perfectly tailored to meet your customers’ expectations.

Your Favorite Employee: Diver's Day to Day

1. Real-Time Data Extraction

More traditional data extraction methods rely on periodic updates, taking up a lot of your time. But the waiting game is over! Diver continuously pulls the latest product specifications straight from the source—in real time. Now, your customers will always have access to the most current data about your products, informing their decisions and helping them make better purchases.

2. Enhanced Product Descriptions

Once all that raw data is pulled from manufacturers, Diver goes in and enhances it, turning it into consumer-friendly descriptions thanks to advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques. Enriched product descriptions improve readability, leading to more engaged—and confident—customers.

Never Dive Alone: Integrations with Beacon

Teamwork makes the dream work—and that’s why Diver works best with its pal, AI Customer Beacon (or just “Beacon”). Beacon analyzes customer behavior and preferences, guiding and informing Diver’s algorithms. You’ll know precisely which product attributes your customers care most about, which means Diver can tailor product information to these identified needs and desires, creating an enjoyable personalized shopping experience.

Outfindo Proprietary AI Tech
Outfindo Proprietary AI Tech

All About AI: The Deep Dive

Diver works off a variety of AI models to refine product data. Let’s take a look!

  1. Machine Learning Classification: Diver can identify product attributes, such as color, brand, and dimensions, from product images. For example, when classifying bicycles, it can determine the type—city, mountain, or road bike—ensuring detailed, precise, and helpful product descriptions.
  2. Natural Language Models: This helps with extracting and interpreting product parameters from plaintext descriptions.
  3. Statistical Methods: Diver can convert numeric data into more user-friendly parameters.
  4. Autonomous Proprietary System: Diver scrapes data from additional sources, as needed, and uses AI to extract relevant product parameters and other information that fills specific customer needs (as identified via customer behavior analysis). We can process data in any text format, making data integration flexible and comprehensive.

A Domain-Agnostic Approach: Say What?

Diver is domain agnostic. “What the heck is that?” you ask? It means there are no limits to the types of products Diver can process or the information it can gather. No matter your industry—from electronics to fashion to home goods and everything in between—Diver can handle it, producing consistent and quality data across your entire catalog.

It’s time to revolutionize your e-commerce platform with Diver. Today, it’s a marketplace; tomorrow, it could be an intelligent, personalized, customer-centric shopping experience. Let us help you save your time by automating and enhancing your product information. This way, you can focus on what truly matters: growing your business and delighting your customers.

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