Outfindo Product Guide Analytics

The Product Guide is a tool that will help your visitors choose a product. It will understand all the key parameters, understand the impact of decisions on product usage, select a suitable price level and product quality level.

But we are also interested in its impact. How many people does it really help, what they do in it and how it affects their decision-making. And tracking will help us with that.

What does Outfindo track and what not

Our Guide is not a website tracking tool. We do not want and to some extent we cannot monitor what is happening on your website. We only collect data about interactions within the guide, nothing else.

The guide does not contain any third-party measuring tools, does not download any external codes, and does not store any personal user data. It is absolutely privacy friendly.

What does Oufindo track

What Outfindo doesn’t track

How do I get data on the use of the guide?

We will share the data we collect with you in a report. It is best to meet and go through them together for the first time, discussing what each number means and where improvements can be made.

At the same time, we regularly send reports on how the guide is performing overall, what we are improving, and what impact it has had.

How can see the impact of the Guide on my website?

The most interesting thing is probably how people behave after they have gone through the guide and clicked on a product.

To be able to track their behavior in your analytics tool, we add this parameter to all links from the guide:


If you use Google Analytics or a similar tool, you can create a segment of users who visited the page with this parameter and see if and what they purchased.

Not skilled in analytics? We are happy to help:

We are here for you 🙂

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